Friday, November 18, 2011

Ever Wish You Could Be Invisible

Of all of the super powers to have, many people wish that they could be invisible.  The government has quietly been accepting bids from companies that create metamaterial.  Metamaterial is material that hides object from infrared lighting and terahertz waves.  In other words, it is a "cloak of invisibility" to gadgets that are designed to detect objects and humans.  The only down side is that the object or human's outline can be seen.  Along with Metamaterial, the government is also looking for face paint that will hide their special operations soldiers.  The paint must be waterproof and should work in all conditions.  Imagine have a cloak and face paint that made you invisible to your enemy or imagine being able to sneak into that meeting you always wanted to and being able to blend in to the wall.  I know we are a ways away from complete invisibility, but wouldn't it be cool if the public was able to use these things during paint ball games?  Better yet, lets throw our hat into the ring and try to create what the government is looking for.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Now everyone can be part of the blue eyed soul crew

Over the last few weeks there has been a story that has been traveling under the radar.  There is a doctor in California who is using laser surgery to change people's eye color.  The surgery takes 5 minutes and will permanently change the patient's eye color.  So what makes this technology innovative, it expands on laser eye surgery by removing the brown pigment from the eyes and gradually changes the eye color to blue.  On the positive side, we can be Darryl Hall or Justin Timberlake, with blue eyes.  On the negative side, the surgery is not reversible.  So no it won't replace color contacts, but it will help some people's self esteem.  Dr. Gregg Homer, creator of Lumineye, is seeking partners.  Let's all chip in and help him become an disruptive innovator.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Can I Have This for Christmas

As the Christmas season approaches, new technologies will be introduced for the masses to drool over.  Today, I came across a story about Omnitouch, which was developed by a Carnegie - Mellon graduate student.  The premise is we will no long need screens or keyboards to interact with our computers and smartphones.  It works by using a projector and technology similar to the xBox Kinect to project the screen and allow the user to type, dial or move documents on any surface.  This technology moves us closer to the Keanu Reeves cult film Johnny Mnemonic.  Imagine business travel without the laptop and having to struggle through security, because your jacket has been retrofitted with Omnitouch.  Or having your presentation and supporting data available with the snap of a finger.  This is an exciting technological advancement and all I can say is, "Can I have one for Christmas!!"

Friday, October 21, 2011

iPad 3

Over the last week there were articles discussing the iPad 3.  Some say the it will have a smaller screen.  Some say it will be fingerprint resistant.  Some say that it will have a 3d screen.  As I read the features that the iPad 3 is suppose to have, I was reminded of a Saturday Night Live skit, where one of the cast members portrayed Steve Jobs.  First he introduced the iPod Micro, then the iPod Picano and last the iPod Invisa.  If we follow the logic, the iPad 3 will have a 7 inch screen and hold 12million pictures and songs.  But this is not a skit and with the advancements that Apple has made in the tablet field, I believe that we will see a tablet that will be less expensive and will be considerable better than the ones out currently.  I believe the most impressive feature would be the fingerprint resistant screen.  If Apple is able to get the composite rights, we could see the end of smudges on tablets, phones and other touch screen devices.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Stuxnet Redux

Today, I came across a story that got me to thinking about what we learned this past summer.  It was Stuxnet. In the article, a sophisticated virus was released through Siemens products.  The new story spoke of a virus that the military is having a hard time removing.  Unlike in the Stuxnet article, this virus was attacking and infiltrating the system that operate the predator and reaper drones that are in Afghanistan.  We learned that Stuxnet attacked Iran's nuclear plants.  The military is not sure if the attack was intentional or an accident.  They are also saying that nothing classified was released.  Could this be retaliation from Iran or could this attack be from Anonymous?  I'll let you decide.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Riding The QR Wave

As we fastly approach the 2012 election, we are beginning to be bombarded with campaign promises.  We know that President Obama was the first to use social media effectively to get elected in 2008.  We know that technology has advanced since 2008.  We have been told that unless you ride the wave of technology, you are doomed to being left behind.  With that said the new hot technology is QR codes.  They are black and white squares that hold information about the item that it is affixed to.  Some codes may have written information about the product and other codes may have videos.  There has been a ground swell about whether it will be used during this election cycle.  If a candidate is technologically savvy enough, s/he will be able to get his or her message to the masses through smartphones and tablets, by using QR codes.  S/he could attach the QR codes to leaflets and signs.  This technology would be cost effective and allow some of the smaller funded candidates to effectively compete with more well funded candidates.  Campaigns will never be the same.  Hurry, Hurry all candidates that are willing to take a chance on a new ride, come ride the QR Code Wave to election night success!!  QR Code + Elections = New Market Disruptor.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Marc Andreessen, New Market Disruptive Innovator

Marc Andreessen!  As I read the first two chapters of Wharton on Managing Emerging Technology, it opened my mind to a new way of thinking when it came to innovation and new technology.  The chapters discussed how existing companies have either dragged their feet and missed out or casually invested in new technologies.  The chapters discussed how small start ups were able to jump into a market and take risk that established companies would never imagine doing.  While the reading was fresh on my mind, I came across a program on Bloomberg TV, actually my grandmother did, I just happen to be along for the ride.  The program was called Game Changers and this particular episode was about Marc Andreessen.  If you are not aware of who Marc Andreessen is, he and some of his college buddies created the Mosaic Web Browser.  He laid the foundation for the browsers that we use today.  He had a vision, which he turned into reality.  His vision was to give everyone access to material that only a few had access to.  As with Palm, he took an existing technology and made it better.  Then he gave it away for free.  He took a risk and it paid off.  He was persistent, when one door closed, he went to Silicon Valley and reinvented the browser.  He became a disruptive innovator and as Wharton's put it, he ran circles around his larger incumbent competitors.  Marc's technology frightened MicroSoft and forced them to adjust their strategy in order to compete with him.  I will not rehash the story, I'll let you watch it for yourself.  But I will leave you with a final thought, what is the difference between us now and us where we want to be?  Fear of taking chances.  Fear of being fully invested in something that we believe can change the world.  Let's go be game changers.  Below is the link to the program.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Cable Ala Carte

Today we had a discussion about disruptive innovation and creative workarounds.  The discussion led to looking into the cable business model, which is buying many channels, in a tier system.  The issue of Ala carte programming was raised.  A spirited discussion followed.  Tiered programming is the current system, where cable providers force customers to pay for channels that they do not need or want.  This thinking is akin to sticking with what is familiar and not taking the risk to get ahead of the field.  Ala Carte programming allows the customer the ability to pay for channels that they frequently watch.  Ala Carte is the new wave that all cable and satellite providers are trying to hold back.  The company argument is we are providing you with channels that keep your monthly bill low.  One may ask, how does this fit into emerging technology?  My answer, we have existing companies that are not willing to invest in future technology that may keep them relevant longer than Snooki from the Jersey Shore.  Why is it important?  Because I am paying for channels that I do not want.  A dilemma in my life was created. Tow the company line and push tiered service or look at my wallet and seek alternatives.  One leads to job security and the other leads to wealth security.  After much back and forth, job security won out and instead of creating alternatives to watching my favorite programs for free or pushing for ala carte programming.  In the immortal words of Chuck D, Fight The Power and check out the link below.  Shhhh, its like bootlegging cable.