Friday, October 21, 2011

iPad 3

Over the last week there were articles discussing the iPad 3.  Some say the it will have a smaller screen.  Some say it will be fingerprint resistant.  Some say that it will have a 3d screen.  As I read the features that the iPad 3 is suppose to have, I was reminded of a Saturday Night Live skit, where one of the cast members portrayed Steve Jobs.  First he introduced the iPod Micro, then the iPod Picano and last the iPod Invisa.  If we follow the logic, the iPad 3 will have a 7 inch screen and hold 12million pictures and songs.  But this is not a skit and with the advancements that Apple has made in the tablet field, I believe that we will see a tablet that will be less expensive and will be considerable better than the ones out currently.  I believe the most impressive feature would be the fingerprint resistant screen.  If Apple is able to get the composite rights, we could see the end of smudges on tablets, phones and other touch screen devices.

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